Friday, August 21, 2009

I'm Sorry That I Suck

So it's officially been over a month since my last post... and I'm so sorry that I'm an assbag. But from July 17 - Aug 13 I was in Greece and since then I've just been lazy. But I have some stuff I want to talk about/show you. So without further ado... GREECE. (The above picture is from Zakynthos, the island, by the way.)


The graffiti in Athens is more colorful and vibrant than I've ever seen elsewhere. I'd also like to think it means something, but alas - my mastery of the Greek alphabet lies merely in pronunciation, not translation (for instance, what the hell does "kyriakodromio" mean?)

The square near where we're staying makes me imagine what the piazzas in Italy must be like. I love all the stray dogs that roam there... and the stray kids.

We took a trip to Markopaulo, a.k.a. the Greek version of going down the shore. I like the Mediterranean. The water is very calm and clear - but lots of fish. Also, European bathing suits leave little to the imagination (I've learned that this is only SOMETIMES a good thing.)

The subways are cooler in Greece - more spacious, and with car doors that open at the touch of a button. We took one to the Acropolis Museum. The was also quite fun, learn the history. Thhe large group of touring Greek sailors was also a huge bonus.

All in all, I got used to the people, the food, the lifestyle (optional siestas, y'all!) and I had a great 17 days.

P.s. The village was beautiful, too. Even though I got stung by a bee and saw some crazy wild mountain cows.

1 comment:

  1. Those are some beautiful pcitures from greece.
